Utilizer Deluxe v. 0.6.0 is live!

Heya, pilots! Utilizer Deluxe v. 0.6.0 is live! Batten down the hatches, warm up the engines, activate the magnetic grippers, reload the guns - it's time to utilize to the maximum!

What's new:

  •  A new game mode - "Abyss"!
  • level II upgrades are added! 
  • new upgrade: killing reward
  • new upgrade: nuclear bomb
  • new backgrounds
  • menu system is improved
  • reward is increased in survival mode
  • diamonds are added: give +5 coins.

ANDROID LINK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anegmetex.utilizer

iOS LINK: https://testflight.apple.com/join/luaNLiOE

I bring to your court an beta-version of the game, I would really like to hear your opinion about the project, how much gameplay is complex and interesting, how responsive the controls is, how smooth is the difficulty line, and of course are there any bugs. With your advices, I hope to improve this project. Any feedback are welcome! 😸


utilizer-deluxe-0.6.0.apk 30 MB
Jul 03, 2019

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